January 2012

Chinese New Year's recipes


Happy Lunar New Year! Monday, January 23rd marked the most important holiday in Chinese culture. Millions (actually billions) of Chinese in China and across the globe will be ringing in the year of the dragon for the next several days. Celebrating the New Year means being with family and eating good foods that attract, wealthy, happiness, luck, and overall prosperity in the coming year. So if you would like to celebrate and make a traditional Chinese New Year inspired dish, take a look at some of these ideas.

Seattle Locavore adds new protein to her menu


Seattleite Melany Vorass is giving a whole new meaning to the term “locavore”. A former state environmental analyst and current urban foraging teacher living in the Green Lake neighborhood, Vorass has experimented with many local and sustainable foods. She raises chickens, goats and bees in her back yard (everyone in Seattle is allowed to raise up to three small goats, and numerous chickens on their property). From time to time Vorass even eats a few edible weeds and snails. However, her palate has led her to add another backyard creature to the menu.