March 2020

Scotland to Ensure Menstrual Products for All Uterus Owners

Scotland has been pushing for universal access to period productsand now the Period Products (Free Provision) Bill has passed, making the country the first to eliminate what's known as period poverty. People with periods spend about two months of the year bleeding, requiring menstrual products to live their lives, and many simply cannot afford the cost.

Nuclear Reactors 760 - Belarus And The United Arab Emirates Will Soon Start Up Their First Nuclear Power Reactor

     The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has just finished a twelve day Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission to Belarus. The review is intended to analyze the infrastructure development of the country with respect to its first nuclear power reactor. Belarus is ready to complete the construction of its first nuclear power plant this year.

Nuclear Reactors 759 - Metanalysis of Nuclear Power Shows That It Emits More CO2 Than Most Renewable Energy Sources

     One response of nations concerned with climate change mitigation is that there needs to be a massive build up of nuclear power plants which are considered to be zero-carbon energy sources by many. Uranium is actually a fossil fuel. It exists naturally in the ground and is dug up to be used.

Companies Are Working On Stabalizing The Global Supply Of Medical Radioisotopes

    One of the most important uses for radioactive isotopes is in medical diagnostic and treatment.  A major problem with such isotopes is ensuring a reliable supply to meet world needs. There have been three recent announcements that should help stabilize future supplies of important medical isotopes.
